External Training

We had attended our principal distributor meeting and their factory. We also provide a basic training on our dispensing system to our customer and visit our customer’s farm or feed mill frequently.

Distributor Meeting

The distributor meeting was conducted by our principal and all the distributors from different country will get together. The main purposes were to discuss on product features and benefits, problem facing and solution, market value, market trend, successful story and productivity. The latest was hold at Langkawi, Malaysia 2009.

Visit to principal's factory

In year 2004, our Managing Director – Mr. Francis Cher and General Manager – Mr. Frankie Goh were visit to principal factory at USA. They were very glad to meet all staff from Anitox USA and have a business meeting with principal, they also know well of the product processing.

On-site Training

Mr. Simon Parker was the Senior Feed Technology Specialist in Anitox, through his experience in this sector for many year, he had qualify to provide training on dispensing system and solving all problem raise by our customer.

Principal visit customer